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From a modest family, Yed Esaie Angoran was born on September 5th, 1947 in Bakanou (Sikensi, south-east of Cote d’Ivoire).

His father Robert Angoran was a pastor, and his mother Madeleine was a small group leader at the Methodist Church.

Yed is the youngest of 4 children. The eldest is Angoran Kock Adèle followed by Kakou Amani Vincent (Retired Ivory Coast army captain) and the late Angoran Mousso Esther.

Yed Esaie Angoran with his father Robert and his mother Madeleine


1956 - 1958
He did the primary school in three years (instead of six) in his native village.
He was admitted to the 6th grade at the Protestant Secondary Course of Dabou (50 Kilometers West of Abidjan), the first Protestant Methodist high school whose director was Mr. Jean Magnin.
He did the 8th and 9th grade in one year and came out major of his promotion

Mr. Jean Magnin was the Founder of the Course Protestant secondary school in Dabou in 1955. He died in France on March 19, 2016.

He passed with flying colors the exam for the First Cycle Study Certificate (BEPC). He then completed secondary school at the Lycée Moderne des Garçons de Bingerville. The director of that school was Mr. Gnaléga Mémé Jérémie, the First Associate Professor of Classical Letters of Côte d'Ivoire and the first Ivorian Headmaster and became his mentor.
He then continued at the Lycée Classique d'Abidjan Cocody where he graduated as Major and received, the President of the Republic Félix Houphouët Boigny award.
Major in the Scientific Series Baccalaureate, he obtained a presidential scholarship which enabled him to study in France. 
1964 - 1969
He was admitted to the Preparatory School of the Lycée Clemenceau in Nantes and graduated as a civil engineer at Mines Nancy. 
1970 - 1975
He obtained a PhD in geology from the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States (Thesis defended in 1975 "Induced polarization of metallic materials"). He then completed an internship at NASA before being called back to Côte d'Ivoire to assume high office.

Pr GNALÉGA SAME JÉRÉMIE Died October 14, 2004 in Abidjan -  He was the first Ivorian Headmaster.


From his marriage to Sissoko Anna to his relationship with his five children and his extended family, Yed Esaie Angoran has lived an exemplary and fulfilling family life.
In 1983, he married Dr. Sissoko Anna, daughter of the late Sissoko Fily, (retired financial inspector) and the late Gnenango Emilia, (retired nurse) .
They had five children (Niti, Inès, Eniloe, Alix and Josias).
Yed Esaie always had a simple life, he was not attracted by luxury, he taught the love of a job well done to his children, and transmitted his simplicity to them.
He was surrounded by his nephews and nieces whom he cherished dearly.
He also raised and contributed to the life of many  other children. Those are the children from his heart. The list being too long to cite each of them by name. 

From left to right : Gnenago Emilia (mother in law) , Yed Angoran,  his wife Anna , Fily sissoko ( father in law)


1975 - 1985
Director of mining research (SODEMI) 
1986 - 1993
Minister of Mines and Energy, in charge of Industry, Posts
and Telecommunications.
1994 - 1999
Advisor to the Presidency of the Republic
Inspector General of State
General rapporteur of the National Reconciliation Forum in Côte-d'Ivoire
2000 - 2004
 Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ivorian Television Broadcasting (RTI)
2004 - 2020
 Responsibilities in the Methodist Church of Cote d’Ivoire
  • Advisor of the Bishop Benjamin Boni
  • Administrator Counsel President of the United Methodist Universities of Cote d’Ivoire (UMECI).
  • Member of the National Lay Movement
  • Secular delegate at the General Conference of the United Methodist Church
  • Leader for the implementation of various projects
    (Radio station ‘’La Voix de L’espérance,UMECI,Computer system for Africa,E-reader Project, Health Plan for the United Methodist Church,etc.)
  • General Coordinator of publication for the French Edition of the Upper Room
Responsibilities in the different agencies of the Global United Methodist Church
  • Executive secretary of the West Africa Central Conference of the United Methodist Church 
  • Member of the board of the General Agency for the training fo the disciples   
  • Member of the Administration Counsel of the United Methodist Communications.
  • Consultant for the Methodist Fund of the Global Education for the development  of the leadership (MGEFLD) of the General Agency of superior education and Ministry (GBHEM)
  • Member of the Commission of the Central Conference Theological Education Fund (CCTEF)
  • Member of mobilisation committee of the Dotation Funds for the theological education at the Central Conference
  • Founder Member of the African Association of Methodist Institutions of Superior Education (AAMIHE)
  • Executive Director of the Regional hub for West Africa and the French-speaking regions of the Superior Education Agency and Ministries (GBHEM) in the areas of leadership,education and development.


  • Dr. Angoran founded and launched the first two phases of a large national modern geological mapping program with BRGM (France).This project produced geological maps and explanatory notes on 70% of the national territory
  • He also initiated the geochemical and strategic geological cooperation program with the BGR (Germany).This program trained geologists and field geochemists,and made it possible to discover and confirm gold showing in the Haute-Comoé and elsewhere in Cote d’Ivoire. 
  • He was also very interested in the development of the LAMTO geophysical station in the Toumodi region and in the national network of geodetic stations.
  • Dr. Angoran was also thinking of a large tripartite geophysical and mining cooperation project related to the triple zone fault.This project,with the technical support of France and Germany, was to help the three neighboring countries of Guinea,Mali and Ivory Coast ,to highlight certain geophysical anomalies and also permit a better mineralization understanding of gold,iron,nickel,manganese and other metals in the common border area. This topic is still relevant today.
  • He is a founding member of the Liturgical Choir of the United Methodist Church the Beatitudes of Abidjan Plateau.
  • He worked within the FrancophoneConsultation Group and on many projects such as : the computer system for Africa,the Ebola booklet,the E-reader project and the radio station ‘’La Voix de l’Esperance’’.
  • He was the executive director  of the regional hub for West Africa and the French-speaking regions of the Superior Education Agency and Ministries (GBHEM) in the areas of leadership,education and development.He also led a range of educational initiatives in Africa,including program development,fundraising,training initiatives and technical assistance.
  • He worked within the French-speaking Consultation Group
  • In addition to his contributions to the global connection, he has actively participated in the development of the Church at the Local level. 
  • He also contributed financially to the construction of many local churches and parsonages


  • Commander of the Order of Merit of Mines
  • Commander of the Order of Merit of Telecommunications.
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